Wednesday 12 October 2011

prelim evaluation: final draft

I feel my magazine cover and contents meet the task asked, as I have designed my magazine around my female student typical reader and taken and used an medium close up photograph of a student too, whilst being a fun magazine it still focuses on school life and important matters. I have done everything possible to represent this unique theme in the design of my magazine. To begin with I found using Photoshop difficult to use but I think that the results were worth it.

I began my project after creating my black and white flat plan by choosing appropriate colours. I took into account that my typical reader was a young female, I used the feminine pink to show this, the green represented a more formal yet unique side to the magazine and the white keeps the magazine looking fresh as the title states it is. I also had to make sure the colours went well together, I always knew pink and green was a risk but by neutralising the dark colour and the bold one too they fit together better. When choosing fonts I was confident about using a bold text this makes the magazine clear and easy to read which means more people are more likely to read it. for my second font I knew it could be more eccentric than my simpler font so I used italics purposely choosing this as my font which would mostly be in pink to emphasise my girly theme yet keep my magazine sophisticated. I really found deciding on fonts enjoyable and I feel all turned out well in this area. Some things I feel didn’t turn out as well as I had wanted would firstly be my background. Despite it matching my colour scheme of white, pink and green I felt the white in the end made the magazine look less professional, this white space would usually be filled by a full page image but I realised a little too late that I had taken my photo landscape so it would not cover my cover page, this is my second disappointment. after trying some colour backgrounds which I felt didn’t work well on the magazine I decided white was the best choice but to add some colour as not to be boring I used a gradient tool to add some fading pink in the corner behind my title I feel this has fixed a lot of insecurities I felt about my magazines look. Overall I really love how my magazine turned out and more importantly I think my typical reader will too!

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